Class Scenes and Tips
Wow! First post in 2007 and it's already March!! Well, lemme tell ya, we first year students went through a pretty rough period in the last 2-3 months, culminating in a deadly Finance exam.
Yeah, my initial plan was to write this article much earlier since I know that many potential students would probably have found this information useful. In fact, the hit counter shows that there has been more activity on this blog in recent months. I know that I would've liked to have known what a typical class was like before embarking on my GMAT and all the lengthy application process! Anywho, it's a bit late for most students this year, but I'm sure there's still a couple of late candidates that may just be drawn into this program thanks to this post (or of course, the opposite is equally likely to happen). Well, it can also serve as information for candidates in subsequent years!
So there you go, a little clip of a lecture scene and many photos of typical class scenes, discussions, group work, presentations, etc. Yes, you will see ample of each throughout the program. If you dislike presentations or group work and have no intentions whatsoever in learning these's the time to back out! You will NOT survive.
Also, as of right now, I can say that the way I see it, the worst of the program is over. We had two intense peaks, one big peak for the Stats course at the end of the summer (the first course), and one huge peak that just went by with Finance and a few other courses that overlapped with it. Stats and Finance are not extremely hard per se, but there's a LOT of studying to do. Luckily we've had wonderful professors for both of these courses.
Hope this was useful.

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