Friday, April 13, 2007

Last sprint

OK, last time I wrote that we had reached one of the biggest hills of this MBA program. What I didn't know was how flat it was at the top and how long we had to run at 150% capacity. Well, this past few weeks, I'm sure some of the students wished they had more than 24h in a day. Much more. I have a relatively flexible working schedule so I'm definitely not in the worst situation, but I know that some of our fellow classmates are EXTREMELY busy. I really don't know how they manage. Hats off to their hard work and organizational skills I guess.

Anyways, I think everyone is getting psyched up for the last sprint: Our last 4 weekends of classes (and 1 day for I-Core) remaining in this first year. Unbelievable. As hard and tough as it was, it still went by in a flash. I've really been enjoying myself since the beginning and truly feel that the relationships that we've developed over the last 10 months or so in themselves were worth all the effort and tuitions.

Well, this whole situation can really be well illustrated by something Steve in our class told me a few weeks back, when I was in a little bit of a downer myself. He said: "Tetsu, this is why they put soldiers through pure hell during training. That way, a strong bond naturally develops between them, which then makes them look out for each other with their lives on the battlefield." Very well put Steve. Thanks.

All right brave men and women. Ganbarimasho!

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